Category: Georgetown Faces

Title: Nandini Mullaji (F’17)

Nandini Mullaji smiles for the camera.

Originally from Mumbai, India, Nandini was one of the founders of the Georgetown India Dialogue, and runs her own nonprofit, Adopt-a-Tent School. At Georgetown, she is closely involved with Hilltop Consultants, student government, and Designing the Future(s) of the University, a higher education think tank and incubator.

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Luis Mendez began his career at Georgetown mopping and shining the basketball courts. Thirty-two years later, he oversees all the services that make athletics run smoothly.

Troy in his office next to his door with many stickers welcoming people to Copley Hall

Meet Troy Meury, the community director at Copley Hall and Ida Ryan & Issac Hawkins Hall who loves building community with Georgetown students.

A woman with glasses and a black shirt with white flowers on it smiles as she looks at a computer.

For years, Denise English was the first face students would see entering the Counseling and Psychiatric Services office. Now in a different role, she still wants students to feel loved.