Category: Messages to the Community

Title: New and Updated Frequently Asked Questions – Friday, May 22

As the university continues to respond to the evolving circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are committed to providing up-to-date information to our community. Below you will find this week’s new and updated answers to frequently asked questions regarding university news, policies and resources. Our full list of frequently asked questions is available on the COVID-19 Resource Center.


Health and Preventive Action

Am I required to wear a face covering while on campus?

Effective May 18, 2020, all employees, students and visitors (including children over the age of two) are required to wear a face covering when on campus at all times, except when alone in a private room with a closed door or in a private vehicle. This guidance also applies to all riders of university GUTS buses.

Georgetown’s COVID-19 Campus Face Covering Guidelines are implemented in accordance with the May 13, 2020, DC Mayor’s Extensions of Public Emergency and Public Health Emergency and Preparation for Washington, DC Reopening Order 2020-066. Any employee, student or visitor who fails to abide by these guidelines will be asked or directed to wear a face covering or leave the campus space. Employees and students who are directed to leave a campus space for failure to comply with these guidelines may be taken off duty and/or subject to disciplinary action.

If I cannot wear a face covering for reasons related to my inclusion in a protected category or a disability, can I request an accommodation?

Employees or students who live or work on campus and cannot wear a face covering for reasons related to their inclusion in a protected category may request an accommodation through the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action (IDEAA). Students who wish to request a disability-related accommodation may do so by contacting the Academic Resource Center (for Main Campus and Medical Center students) or the Office of Disability Services (for Law Center students).

Am I required to wear a face covering while exercising?

Employees, students and visitors who engage in outdoor exercise in campus spaces are not required to wear face coverings while doing so, provided that they are in a space in which social distance can be maintained and that they practice appropriate social distancing (appropriate social distancing while exercising requires six feet of distance between individuals and non-interactive games and sports).