Category: Messages to Staff, Messages to the Community

Title: New Leave Benefit Reminders, Resources and Information Sessions

Dear Colleagues,

This Friday, July 1, 2022, a number of changes to leave benefits for administrative Staff and Academic & Administrative Professionals (AAPs) will go into effect. The Department of Human Resource (HR) website has further information and guides for how to apply for available leave benefits.

You can also learn more about the university’s updated staff and AAP leave benefits by attending one of the following virtual information sessions. Additional sessions will be offered throughout the summer and fall, and dates will be shared in the upcoming HR Minute newsletter and on the HR website.

Leave Benefit Changes: An Overview for Staff and AAP

Information Sessions for New Parents: Navigating Your Leave and Benefits

Recommended for new parents who are anticipating taking leave within the next two months. Space is limited to 12 attendees for this highly interactive session.

For employees who are welcoming children into their household through birth, adoption or placement, please review our new guide, Leave Benefits for New Parents and Growing Families.

In addition, the Department of Human Resources’ benefits team hosts a drop-in office hour on Zoom from 2-3 p.m. each Wednesday for questions related to any benefits offering. You can request an appointment here.

We look forward to working with and supporting you as you take the time you need to care for yourself and your family.

Be well,

Charles DeSantis
Associate Vice President and Chief Benefits Officer

Anthony D. Kinslow, MA, JD
Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer