Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “No Hay Palabras Que Puedan Expresar el Orgullo, Mariana C.”

Hello class of 2020. Congratulations on having completed your studies under very difficult and unusual times. We especially want to congratulate our daughter Mariana C. for all the effort and work she put into her education at Georgetown and the excellent results she obtained. We are very, very proud of her. She has been living with us now for almost two months so the one bright point in all that is happening in the U.S. and the world is that we have been able to enjoy her company and again, realize the incredible adult she has become in these last four years.

Our hopes for Mariana and for this class of 2020 is that once we come out of this crisis, each one you, in the measure of your capabilities and possibilities can help prepare the world for future crisis so that we are not caught so unprepared next time, en especially for the lesser fortunate people of this world. Again many congratulations.

Mariana, no hay palabras que puedan expresar el orgullo y felicidad que nos da que termines esta etapa de tu vida de la hermosa manera en que lo has hecho. Supiste aprovechar en estos cuatro anos en Georgetown, todas las oportunidades que se te presentaron, y una vez mas nos llenas el corazón de orgullo. Muchas felicidades Mariana, eres una persona con muchas cualidades, sabes comprometerte y sabes disfrutar. Has demostrado con tus resultados que estas lista para una nueva etapa y te damos las gracias por dejarnos disfrutar contigo tus logros. Te queremos mucho.

-Daniel C./Yolanda R.