Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “Out of Adversity is Born Opportunity”

Author: Rosalia P.
Date Published: May 6, 2020

As a graduate from the Class of 2000, I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all the best as you embark on your next journey outside of Georgetown. I recognize that graduation this year is very different than normal — I am sad for the fact that you did not get to experience a traditional Georgetown graduation surrounded by your friends & family. I know however, that while not traditional it will be as all graduations are — an event that marks a rite of passage. As a Georgetown alum you will undoubtedly see a next chapter full of former classmate; friends; & alumni. You have made lifetime friends whom you can depend on for always. You have received an incredible education — both practical and theoretical in nature that has prepared you for all that life has to offer. Out of adversity is born opportunity. I wish you nothing but the best and continued success in this next chapter of life.

-Rosalia P.