An interactive town hall on restoring trust in America’s bedrock institutions will take place on Tuesday, April 26, as part of the launch of the university’s new Baker Center for Leadership & Governance.
Patricia and Jon Baker Sr. (C’64) provided the gift to establish the Baker Center, which is designed to serve as a conduit for collaboration among society’s core institutions, promote civil dialogue and debate, spur creative thinking and imagination and inspire a new generation of leaders.
An interactive town hall on restoring trust in America’s bedrock institutions will take place tomorrow as part of the launch of theBaker Center for Leadership & Governance, a major center within theMcCourt School of Public Policy’sInstitute of Politics and Public Service.
The event will include Mayor of Baltimore Stephanie Rawlings-Blake; Michelle Jaconi (SFS, GRD), vice president and executive editor of the Independent Journal Review; Sonal Shah, executive director of Georgetown’s Beeck Center for Social Impact & Innovation; and Georgetown’s John Carr, director, Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life.
The conversation will be moderated by NPR’s Steve Inskeep.
Patricia and Jon BakerSr. (C’64) provided the gift to establish the Baker Center, which is designed to serve as a conduit for collaboration among society’s core institutions, promote civil dialogue and debate, spur creative thinking and imagination and inspire a new generation of leaders.
The center brings together stakeholders from government, business, nonprofits, academia and faith-based institutions to tackle pressing global challenges and begin the important work of restoring faith in our bedrock institutions.
“No single institution can confront the causes and challenges alone,” says McCourt School Dean Edward Montgomery, “and one conversation will not provide all the answers. But engaging in civil dialogue is the first step toward progress, and we hope this event will start that process.”