Impacts to the Campus Community
We are working closely with the ACC and JMA teams to mitigate impacts of this project on the university community. Please be aware of the following impacts and information for the first stage of work.
- Construction/Noise: The current work hours for this project are 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., with quiet hours until 8 a.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. on weekends. Noise, dust and vibration monitoring are in place throughout this project.
- Traffic: All construction and worker transportation vehicles will be required to enter campus via Canal Road, and navigate to the project site via West Road, North Road and Tondorf Road. Traffic flaggers will be deployed during high-construction traffic periods to ensure the safety of pedestrians and flow of community traffic. No road closures are anticipated at this time.
- Pathway Accessibility: The site layout and work will impact pedestrian pathways near Arrupe Hall, Reiss Science Building, the Leavey Center, Darnall Hall and St. Mary’s Hall, but an accessible pathway will be maintained at all times marked by signage. Community members can find up-to-date accessible route information via the interactive campus map site. Pedestrian access from Reservoir Road (east of the hospital) onto campus will be maintained throughout construction, but will be temporarily rerouted through Darnall Hall until the MedStar Surgical Pavilion is completed in the near future.
- Planned Utilities Outages: Construction will require short-term, temporary utility outages (water, heat, A/C) for adjacent facilities at the beginning and mid-point of the project as utility lines are being disconnected and reconnected. These outages will be coordinated by the Capital Projects team, planned for off-hours and low-impact periods when possible and communicated well in-advance to all impacted community members.
There will be regular, additional communications to the university community at each stage of work with updates and expected impacts.
Updates and Contact
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we undertake this transformative project for the university community, and we look forward to keeping you updated on the progress of the new Henle Village. Please contact with any questions.
Lori Melendez Baldwin
Vice President, Planning, Facilities Management and Corporate Partnerships
Tony E. Gammon
Assistant Vice President of Capital Projects