Category: Messages to Students, Messages to the Community

Title: Welcome Back Hoyas!

Dear Hoyas,

Welcome (back) to Georgetown. At this point, I hope that the campus is becoming increasingly familiar (even that large pile of rubble that is Henle) and becoming a home for all of us.

I’m new, too. I came here in January, got lost among all the buildings named Heal(e)y, was puzzled by the turtle buried on campus, and discovered a community defined by something called cura personalis.

My wish for you, during this time when the unfamiliar becomes familiar, is that you join me in discovering what is truly meaningful about being a Hoya. I invite you to take this journey with me, embrace the newness, search for the perfect cup of coffee (I hear Corp UG Love has the lead..), and try a few things you’ve never done before:

  • CAB Fair: I really enjoyed experiencing all the organizations on the lawn that are eager for new members.  The organizations that you signed up for are likely inundating you with emails.  Read a few emails, show up, take it in, and experience all that our community has to offer. When I see you on campus, remind me to tell you about what happened when I joined the Free Food Society…
  • VP Advisory: this is an advisory space that is open to everyone to help myself and my colleagues do our best work for all of you. My thanks to Helena Williams (SFS ’27) and Michael Woch (SFS ’26) for agreeing to create this space with me.

Our first meeting will occur on September 25 at 5:30 p.m., and will focus on “Cura Personalities: A Space for Everyone at Georgetown”. Please sign up and join us so I can ensure there is enough food for all.

  • CFO² Caring for Others (and Ourselves): This academic year, CFO² will launch a five part series for all interested Georgetown students. The program is designed to provide a space for students (grad and undergrad) to develop themselves as caring leaders in a world where care for others is needed more than ever. What being a leader means is entirely up to you to define and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. If you are interested in being a part of this “start-up” please fill out this quick form and we will be in touch with more information.

I look forward to the journey ahead and hope to meet all of you over the course of the coming year.

All good things,

Eleanor JB Daugherty, Ed.D.
Vice President of Student Affairs