Snow falling around Healy Hall.
Category: Campus Life, Student Blog

Title: Winter at Georgetown

Author: Taylor
Date Published: February 8, 2017

For many students at Georgetown, winter is a very exciting season. For those from southern states and warmer climates, Georgetown is the first place many students experience snow! But for those coming down from the Northeast and other areas with “real” winters, Georgetown winters are shorter, milder, and usually a bit more enjoyable for being outside!

This is especially the case this year, as it sometimes feels like we haven’t even had winter at all! As I write this post, it is current sunny and in the mid-60’s outside… but that doesn’t mean we can’t reminisce on winters past!

For my first freshman snow day, a group of kids from my floor went sledding on Regents Hill!! We used real sleds and huge pieces of cardboard, and we spent hours going down the hill together! When we were finally too tired and cold to keep going, we went inside the Leavey Center to Starbucks and warmed up with hot chocolate!

The word "Hoya" is written in snow on the ground

During sophomore year, we had another big snow. This time, I ran to the White House just as it started snowing – and by the time I arrived, the White House was totally covered! It was hard to see through the snow at times, but it was definitely worth it to to see the view.

Classes were cancelled for several days during the Jonas snow storm, and some students walked as far as Capitol Hill. Despite the cold weather and deep snow, it was totally worth it to get the ‘gram!

While exploring the city is always fun, students need not go far to have an awesome snow day adventure. From snowball fights, to building snowmen – and even skiing! – Hoyas always make the most of their snow days on the Hilltop.

Students throw snowballs on campus, one is dressed as Santa

Winter is not over yet, so there is still time to fit in a snow day! Fingers crossed for one big snow this season… and then we can get right back to the nice, spring weather!