Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “You Are Ambitious, Brilliant and Hardworking, Jessica”

We just want to let you know how proud we are of you as you conclude your college career on the Hilltop. We know that this is not the way you envisioned concluding your time at GU, but please know that these crazy times do not diminish all that you have accomplished as a student at Georgetown.

You are ambitious, brilliant and hardworking. You have your heart in the right place and you have shown us over and over again that you can achieve anything you set your sights on. While everyone wants success, it only follows those who make a true approach to get it, which you have done. Your hard work and dedication has a destination which is success. And always remember, life isn’t too different from college.

You will make new friends and new enemies along the way. People you love and people you don’t. There will be people who support you and people who will become the biggest naysayers. There will be victories, there will be defeats. But as you have always done, just keep going, work hard and aim to win. Congratulations on your graduation. We love you.

-Mom, Dad, Max and Kyle