Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “Your Love and Passion for Learning Make us Proud of You Every Day, Joshua”

Joshua, first of all we would like to commend you for completing Georgetown college with your usual elegance and grace. Your love and passion for learning make us proud of you every day.

We fully appreciate your ability to integrate your favorite schoolwork into your life — and we have enjoyed watching you find your path. You have surrounded yourself with a fantastic group of friends — your dedication and loyalty to each other will last well past these virtual ceremonies.

You have learned a great set of life lessons as a member of the Chimes: if you are going to do your own thing, you have to know and understand the structure of the material in front of you; life is more interesting in an ensemble; and, when you solo, it is always better to have your friends for support. We look forward to watching your future unfold. Congratulations, we love you…

-Eema and Abba