
Learn From Everyone

Dear Georgetown Freshman,   The camaraderie you will build at Georgetown will be like nothing you have experienced thus far and after you graduate. Immerse… Read More

Jefferson Memorial at sunset

Imperfect is Perfectly OK

Dear Freshman Sarah, Congratulations on making it to your dream school. You did it! I know that life right now is overwhelming. Your bed in… Read More

Crowds walk down M Street in the evening

Professors Awarded Competitive Grants for Research in Chemistry

Four Georgetown College professors receive highly competitive grants from various branches – the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy – for chemistry research that ranges from finding effective drugs to fight Alzheimer's disease to pinpointing ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Read More

25 Things

Dear Georgetown Freshman, One of the most powerful things I read before coming to Georgetown was a piece by MIT admissions, titled “50 Things” (which… Read More

Students sit on Healy Lawn