Questions for Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 Application Anchor

Questions for Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 Application

Note: The third application cycle closed on February 9, 2025.

Review the questions in the application before you submit! These questions are for organizations submitting an application.

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Question 1 Anchor

Question 1

Are you an existing organization/working with an existing organization or are you proposing a new project?

  • I am applying with an existing organization.
  • I am an individual proposing a new project.

Based on the option selected, a series of questions will appear. The questions below are for applications with an existing organization.

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Section 1: Background Anchor

Section 1: Background

Name of organization


Are you a 501(c)(3) organization? (Yes/If not, describe your organization)


Brief description of organization


Name(s) of individuals leading the project/program


Contact information

  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Street Address
  • City
  • State/Province/Territory
  • Zip Code
  • Organization Website
  • Preferred Method of Contact
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Section 2: Proposed Project/Program Anchor

Section 2: Proposed Project/Program

Name of proposed Program/Project


Describe your project/program and the specific activities that are proposed (300 words or less)


Within your organization, are you creating a new project/program or expanding an existing project/program?

  • New Project/Program
  • Expanding an existing Project/Program


If expanding an existing project/program: Briefly describe the history and the impact of the existing project/program (300 words or less)


How will your project/program impact the Descendant community? (300 words or less)


Please indicate the primary location (Town/County/City/Parish, Zip Code, and State/Province/Territory) for your project/program and any additional locations where your project may take place. If your project includes locations outside the U.S., please use “additional locations” to provide more information. (If you have no additional locations, please write N/A.)

  • Town/County/City/Parish
  • Zip Code
  • State/Province/Territory
  • Additional Locations


Select the focus area of the program. Check all boxes that apply.

* Please note that Georgetown maintains a Protection of Minors Policy (to protect those under 18 years of age who participate in programs and activities associated with the University).

  • Youth 0-10
  • Youth 10-18
  • People above 70 / elder care or support
  • People experiencing homelessness
  • Food insecure populations
  • Incarcerated persons
  • People with disabilities
  • Justice-involved (e.g. legal clinicals)
  • Non-partisan civic engagement (e.g. “get out the vote” or voter registration activities; educational issue advocacy)
  • Health
  • Mental Health
  • Genealogical projects
  • History and memorialization
  • Education / Tutoring
  • Workforce development / employment resources
  • Environment / Sustainability
  • Other (please describe below)
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Section 3: Funding Request Anchor

Section 3: Funding Request

How much funding are you requesting? (limit responses to specific round numbers)


Does this cover all costs associated with the project? (Yes/No)


If no, what percentage of your entire budget does the requested funds cover?


How will the funds be used, and what is the most significant expense? Provide as much detail as you can. If you are unsure of your needs, describe your expected budget and supplies as best as you can.


If you wish to upload a PDF document with more information on your budget, you may upload it now or email it to This is encouraged for projects requesting $50,000 or above.

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Section 4: Proposed Outcomes Anchor

Section 4: Proposed Outcomes

Please describe at least one intended outcome for your project/program and how you intend to measure the outcome. You may list up to five outcomes. Please be concise.


Outcome 1 – Intended outcome and how outcome will be measured


Outcome 2 – Intended outcome and how outcome will be measured (optional)


Outcome 3 – Intended outcome and how outcome will be measured (optional)


Outcome 4 – Intended outcome and how outcome will be measured (optional)


Outcome 5 – Intended outcome and how outcome will be measured (optional)

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Section 5: Additional Information Anchor

Section 5: Additional Information

How did you hear about the Reconciliation Fund?


Please list any known connections to members of the Reconciliation Fund planning team or its student and Descendant advisory committees. This will help ensure your application is reviewed appropriately. If you are unaware of any connections, you may skip this question.


Please provide any additional information that you wish to include as part of your application. This is optional. If you do not wish to include any additional information, please write N/A or none in the response.


You may also upload any additional information in a PDF file using the box below. This is optional. [Optional opportunity to upload a PDF]

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